21-Day Reset

Because eating healthy can feel difficult, I’m making it super simple and fun. The 21-Day Reset is designed to help you eat healthy and feel your absolute best.

So, what do you say? Are you ready to commit to your health and wellbeing? Trust me, this is the perfect time and place for you to make a change.

And the best part? I’ve already done all the hard work for you! You’ll get three weeks worth of meal plans, shopping lists, and delicious recipes. All you have to do is show up and be ready to rock and roll!

So, what do you say? Are you ready to commit to your health and wellbeing?

This is the time. This is the place. You are the person.

Are you ready to commit?

Let’s do this!



The benefits of taking part in this programme vary from person to person. Your success will depend on complying with the instructions, therefore we cannot guarantee results. The more closely you follow the plan, the more likely you are to experience a positive outcome.

The programme is geared for maximum nutritional value and could be very different from your normal eating patterns. If you have any health issues or concerns, whether you are receiving medical treatment or not, we recommend that you discuss your suitability to take part in the programme with your GP before starting.

It’s up to you to check the meal plans and recipes for items to which you may be allergic, sensitive or intolerant and substitute ‘safe’ foods for those items.

If you have a history of kidney or liver disease, suffer from Type 1 or medicated type 2 Diabetes, or if you are taking hormonally sensitive medication, please see your GP before changing your diet.

**Do not attempt this if you are pregnant, breast feeding or diabetic.**

By taking part, you agree to take full responsibility for yourself, your body and your health before, during and after taking part in the programme and you indemnify Milena Kaler from all liability in relation to your participation in the Programme.

Meal Plans